- PHP 8.1 or higher with the following extensions:
- curl
- dom
- fileinfo
- gd
- intl
- json
- mbstring
- openssl
- pdo
- pdo_mysql
- simplexml
- zip
- MySQL/MariaDB 8.0 or higher
- Composer 2 or higher
- node.js 18 or higher
- npm 8 or higher
- Git
It’s also highly recommended installing Claroline on an UNIX-like OS.
Web server
You’ll also need a PHP-enabled web server to serve the application. Two alternatives are available.
1. Using Symfony web server (not tested)
This is the simplest way of serving the application during development. To start the server, use the command provided by the symfony local server (more details on installation and configuration here):
symfony server:start
The application will be available at http://localhost:8000.
2. Using a standalone web server (recommended)
If you want to use Apache or Nginx during development, make them serve the public directory, and access the application at http://localhost/example-site/index.php.
Directories permissions
Note that you’ll certainly face permissions issues on the following directories:
- config
- var/cache
- var/log
- var/sessions
- files
- public/uploads
All of them must be recursively writable from both the web server and the CLI. For more information on that subject, see the configuration section of the official Symfony documentation.